Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from a variety of conditions, are preparing for surgery or post-op, suffer from edema, are consciously toning their bodies and losing weight, or just want to feel and look their very best by slowing the appearance of aging.  It is a valuable addition to your health and beauty protocol.
The lymphatic system plays a key role in the immune system and is believed to help to fight the common cold as well as conditions as serious as cancer.  When the lymphatic system’s functioning is impaired, one can experience unclear thinking, lethargy, dull headaches, irritability, depression, anxiety and the desire to sleep much of the time.
Lymphatic Drainage is one way to assist the body in the two primary lymphatic functions, fluid transport and cleansing.
The benefits include:
  • Activates fluid circulation and assists in the rebalancing of tissue fluids
  • Calms the sympathetic nervous system while stimulating the parasympathetic system, diminishing the “fight or flight” response and promoting deep relaxation
  • Improves digestion of fats
  • Drains toxins, macromolecules, proteins, and fats away from the tissues
  • Stimulates the immune system by increasing antibodies and antigens
  • Reduces pain and muscle spasms

This gentle technique also supports removal of trapped blood protein from around the cells where it can cause pain, swelling and fluid retention.

Detoxification begins and ends in the lymphatic system. The divine design of this system is to transport nutrients throughout the body while at the same time eradicate toxins from it. Better known as the immune system, a compromised system lends itself to illness. Like a car requiring a filter change to prevent sluggish performance and breakdown, the lymphatic system is in need of scheduled maintenance for peak performance. For the past century Manual Lymph Drainage, a European modality, has been employed in the finest spas and clinics of lymphology for lymphatic wellness. It is the modality of choice to improve lymphatic flow and filtration especially when a conservative approach is physician recommended. Refined and researched by Dr. Vodder, MLD is one of the only modalities expressly designed to deliver benefits to the lymphatic system without drug or surgical intervention. The strokes are gentle enough to work with infants and offers palliative relief for some diseases/conditions.



Lymphatic Drainage may benefit someone with the following conditions:

  • Edemas – Traumatic; Sports induced; Sprains; edemas related to autoimmune disorders; Premenstrual; Post infection; Bruising; Pregnancy edema; Pressure in breasts from nursing, or to avoid getting mastitis
  • Dentistry/Orthodontic – Tooth pain; Post extraction of a tooth; Post infection; Orthodontic surgery; Anesthesia
  • Dermatology/Esthetic – Acne; Seborrhea; Chronic Skin conditions; Skin regeneration; Complexion; Wrinkles
  • Intestinal – Celiac Disease; Diverticulitis; Irritable bowel; Constipation
  • Metabolic – Stress; Fatigue; Sleeping problems; Jet lag; Hangover
  • Neurology – Headaches; Concussions; Neuralgia; Head injuries (after stabilization)
  • Sports – Muscle spasms; Sprains; Cramps; Pain; Scars; Fibrosis
  • Surgery – Pre-surgery; Post-surgery; Scars; Removal of anesthesia


At the initial consultation we will gather some information regarding your general health, lifestyle, medical history and any areas of concern that have driven you to seek our help.  From this information we can discuss how regularly you may need to attend and how many sessions you may require to achieve a positive outcome.  Prior to your appointment it is recommended to drink plenty of water, to support the body in flushing out the toxins from your body.  With this in mind, abstaining from a large meal and avoiding any alcohol is also recommended.  To enhance lymphatic flow, the massage treatment is performed in a heated room on a massage table, where the client will lay under sheets. The strokes and movements are carried out in the direction of the lymph nodes, the main direction being towards the groin, armpits and the neck.  The strokes vary from gentle slow rhythmic strokes, to a soft pumping motion, all of which motivates the lymphatic system.  During treatment the therapist is mindful of locating any areas of obstruction.

The length of the session will depend upon the areas of the body that need attention.  If any major areas of the body require drainage, the session could easily be an hour.  A full body session requires 90 minutes. Whereas a session lasting from thirty to sixty minutes may just concentrate on one area of the body, such as the arm or leg if that is the location of concern.

Shane uses mainly the Vodder Technique for Manual Lymphatic Drainage which assists the body for several hours after the session and can be up to 400 times more effective than the body’s natural lymphatic drainage ability.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage offers a drug free, natural way to better health, so contact us today to book your appointment.

The techniques applied during Lymphatic Drainage massage can reduce blockages and restrictions in the lymphatic system enhancing lymph collection and transport to your lymph nodes where pathogenic substances can be inactivated, increasing the body’s resistance to disease.

Lymphatic drainage can be a highly relaxing experience.  A rise in energy levels can be experienced even following the first session and falling asleep during your treatment can often occur.

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