Carpal Tunnel Relief

If you’re reading this. Chances are you already know what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is.  So this is going to talk more about what you can do to find relief from Carpal Tunnel Symptoms. If you want more specific info about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome then check out the links at the end of this article.

If you have pain, tingling, and/or numbness in your hands you may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or it may be something else like Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, tight muscles around the neck and shoulders, or energy imbalances showing up physically. (The doctors may not agree and that’s ok. They still do a lot of good for many people around the world. )
Whatever the cause of the symptoms, here are some things that may help you. (Also check out our Carpal Tunnel Symptom Release service!)

Surgery – Pretty successful at alleviating the symptoms when it’s actually Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but I’ve talked to several people who have had the symptoms come back within a year or two.
Does require several days off work and longer than a month to really recover.

Steroids and Anti-inflammatory drugs– Both may relieve the pain but there is no evidence the Non-steroid drugs will improve carpal tunnel syndrome. Generally just blocking the symptoms for a short time.

Rest – Take quick breaks from repetitive activities involving the use of your hands.

Exercise and Stretching. – Yoga may be great for you.
Here are some other stretches you can do in this video.
Comment below with your favorite stretches or exercises for Carpal Tunnel Symptoms.


Complementary Health
Acupuncture– Is there anything acupuncture doesn’t help?…
Massage – Good for providing relief from the symptoms.  How much and for how long depends on what exactly is going on with you (the client).
Carpal Tunnel Symptom Release at Luminary Wellness – I have had people tell me that their symptoms were gone or almost gone after only 2 sessions. (They were quite pleased. 😉 )

Whatever method you choose, make sure to take action right away.

The well known Mayo clinic says:

“Carpal tunnel syndrome should be treated as early as possible after you begin to experience symptoms.”


More information about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome