Memory Loss from Medicine

Do you experience memory loss?  It could be because of one of several prescription drugs.
1. Antianxiety drugs
2. Cholesterol drugs
3. Antiseizure drugs
4. Antidepressant drugs
5. Narcotic painkillers
6. Parkinson’s drugs
7. Hypertension drugs
8. Sleeping aids
9. Incontinence drugs
10. Antihistamines

On AARP’s website,  Dr. Armon B. Neel Jr. has a great article written about how these meds could be affecting your memory and some alternative solutions for you.
We encourage you to take a look at it especially if you or someone you know is using one of these medications. You can go directly to any of the links above

Before you start taking one of these drugs you could come in for 2 or 3 Reiki/ Sound Healing sessions to help balance your body’s systems and see how much improvement you have without the side effects. Also be sure to eat healthy as proper nutrition drastically helps the healing process.

Be well.